University Study Visit: Youth and Community Work in Scotland
Study Visit
21-27 May 2017 | Glasgow (and other locations across Scotland), United Kingdom
The project is a follow-up to the successful 2015 University Study Visit in England. It intends to promote international work and intercultural competence within Higher Education and other institutions that offer programmes in youth and community work. Through linking youth and community work programmes to Erasmus+, European policy and the European Training Strategy, it aims towards recognition of Non-Formal Learning and greater professionalisation of youth workers and youth work training. It also links to the ‘Among Others’ project, held in co-operation between the Czech, Hungarian, Irish, Polish and UK National Agencies.
– To look at different ways that Scottish Community Learning and Development (CLD) courses, which includes youth and community work, incorporate international work and intercultural competence modules.
– To share experiences from participants’ countries of how international work and intercultural competence are incorporated into their youth and community work courses
– To create links between youth and community work/ CLD faculties and European programmes (particularly Erasmus+), European policy, and the European Youth Strategy.
The Study Visit programme will include visits to:
– University of the West of Scotland (Hamilton Campus)
– University of Dundee
– Other Scottish Universities/HEIs offering youth work degrees
– CLD Standards Council (youth work education regulatory body)
– Youthlink Scotland (national agency for youth work)
– Colleges and voluntary sector / local authority youth work training and practice providers
Participant Profile
We welcome applications from representatives of Higher Education Institutions and other training and education establishments working with youth work/Community Learning and Development. This includes university/college teachers, training providers, course co-ordinators, post-graduate students and other staff members interested in implementing education programmes for Youth and Community Work across Europe. We also welcome applications from:
– representatives of National Agencies for Erasmus+
– representatives of local authorities
– representatives of accrediting bodies, youth councils and similar agencies dealing with youth worker education
– youth workers
Deadline: 3 април 2017 г.
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