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The second European EuroPeers Network Meeting aims at establishing the EuroPeers network at European level and supporting the development of national EuroPeers networks.

EuroPeers are young people who have participated in the Erasmus+ and YOUTH IN ACTION programme and want to share their european experiences with their peers. They inform young people in schools, youth clubs, culture centres or on the street and talk about their experiences. They inform about the Erasmus+ programme and its possibilities as well as other mobility programmes. By leading workshops or lessons and by organising exhibitions, they motivate young people to become active and explore Europe.
Aims and Objectives
– developing and shared vision of this project
– agreeing shared strategies for communication and training
– making the network visible
– learning from the experience of others
– building the identity of the EuroPeers network
– To support the development of national EuroPeers networks.

So far this project is implemented by the National Agencies in Austria, Belgium (FL), Estonia, Germany, Norway, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Finland, UK and Poland.
The second European EuroPeers Network Meeting will provide a discussion forum for different players of the above mentioned countries who are active in the EuroPeers project. The meeting aims at establishing the network at European level and supporting the development of national EuroPeers networks.

More information and apply:

Краен срок за кандидатстване: 21 март 2016